Snacks & Baking

Rosmary Lavosh

150g flour  1/4 cup of water  30ml olive oil  Heavy pinch of salt   Handful chopped rosemary I love a bougie cracker and I nearly purchased a pack of lavosh then saw it was 7 bucks and thought bugger that.…

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300g Fresh Rump Steak  1 Shallot 1 Tbsp Capers   3/4 Slices of jalapeno  1-2 little pickled onions or a few slices of picked red onion. 2x Tbsp kimchi Pickle Juice Olive oil Tabasco  Coriander   Pickle liquor: 1 Cup…

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Scotch Eggs

6x size 7 eggs 600g pork mince 3 rashers streaky bacon 1 Tbsp onion powder 1/2 Tbsp smoked paprika 1/2 Tbsp yellow mustard seeds 1/2 Tbsp fennel seeds 1/2 Tbsp hot English mustard 1tbsp flour if needed Breadcrumbs Flour These…

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Chicken liver parfait

200G Chicken Livers 1/2 shallot 2x clove garlic Handful of thyme 30ml port 30ml Rum 15ml Cointreau or triple sec 120G salted Butter 5G salt 6G brown sugar This makes the best parfait, super smooth perfect on a slice of…

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I secretly love baking…… just don’t tell anyone

The secret to great bread is time, the longer the ferment, the better it is

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