Banging Hummus

Banging Hummus

1x Kumra 

2x cloves of Garlic 

Juice of 1x Lemon 

2x TBSP Tahini Paste 

1/2 TBSP Ground Cumin 

1/2 TBSP Smoked Paprika

Olive oil

1x can chickpeas

This is really easy and tastes 100 times better than what you can buy at the super market. Heaps cheaper too, its a great way to use up left over veggies. This works well with carrots, capsicums and pumpkin. 

Roast your kumra with the skin on at 220 degrees for roughly half an hour. Scoop out the insides into a blender while still warm. 

Add in your Garlic, Lemon juice, Tahini, Cumin & Paprika. Blend this with a good glugg of olive oil and a hefty pinch of salt and blend until smooth. 

Add in your chickpeas, blend and add in olive oil until its nice and smooth. you may need a little more than you think. Check your seasoning and you are good to go!