Beef Wellington

Beef Wellington


100g  Shallots 

100g red onion

400g button mushrooms 

200g portobello mushrooms

100g butter room temp 

4x garlic cloves

50ml brandy/rum/whisky 

30ml cream 

Handful of thyme 

Beef and wrap:

15cm thick end of eye fillet approx 700g

Hot English mustard 

4-6 slices of prosciutto  

2/3x squares all butter puff pastry 

2x sheet of filo pastry 

1x egg and 1x egg yolk 


To Serve

Parsnip Puree



The ultimate indulgence dish, beef Wellington! This recipe keeps it fairly simple, tender beef, hot mustard, intense fragrant mushrooms all wrapped up in a little prosciutto and buttery pastry. The filo pastry layer is thin enough that it won’t affect the flavour of the dish but it does an amazing job of keeping all of the juices from the beef inside and away from the puff pastry.

First you want to trim your eye fillet, removing any silver skin or sinus. Use the thicker end of the fillet for the beef Wellington aiming for a 700g piece.

Season the beef well with salt and pepper and seal all sides in nice hot pan until golden. We want to use the same pan for the mushrooms so use quite a large one. Don’t wash this in between. 

When the beef is seared brush on a layer of hot mustard, tightly wrap in glad wrap and transfer this to the fridge. This will help with the shape. 

Now we want to get onto the duxelles, this does take a little bit of time 45 mins to an hour. Chop in a food processor your shallots, onion, garlic, mushrooms and butter. Whazz until everything is Finley chopped . It will be somewhat liquid.

Grab the pan that the beef has been seared in, remove excess oil and pop the pan on the heat.  Deglaze  with brown spirit. This will pick up all the beautiful roast beef flavour. Add in your mushroom and Butter mix. 

Let this cook out, constantly stirring the mushrooms, when the mixture is like a paste add in your cream and thyme. Season your mix to taste, you will need a fair amount of salt and pepper. You will see mixture turn from grey to intense black. Add a little truffle oil if your fancy. Let this cool in the fridge.

About another 10 mins to go

Now we can get onto assembling the Wellington. Make a large double layered sheet of glad wrap on the bench. 

Whisk together 1x egg and 1x egg yolk with a pinch of salt for the egg wash.

Lay down one sheet of filo pastry, then dot 4x dashes of egg wash on the corners. Add the second sheet of filo. The egg wash with hold the 2 in place.

Remove the beef from the fridge and unwrap. Set this aside. 

Layer 4-6 sheets of prosciutto on top of the filo leaving a 2cm gap from the bottom of the sheet. 

Cover the prosciutto in a 1/2 centimetre thick layer of the duxelles. Pop the beef on top of the duxelles and roll this up. Using a little egg wash tuck in the sides like you are wrapping a present and trim away any excess.

Now we want to tightly wrap this, roll back into the glad wrap. Grabbing both ends of the glad wrap roll along the beach and it will tighten like a sausage. Leave this in the fridge for 15mins while we grab the puff pastry.

Heat oven to 225 degrees 

Make another double layer glad wrap and put the layer of puff pastry on top, you might need to join 2 sheets together.

Brush a few streaks of egg wash onto the puff pastry so it sticks to the filo. Grab out the beef and wrap this in the puff pastry using the same method trimming away any excess. Wrap tightly and refrigerate for another 15 mins. 

While this is in the fridge we can make a lattice, this will make it looks super fancy. Grab another sheet of puff pastry and Using a hex cutter cut out hexagons leaving a 1/2 centimetre gap in between each one. Remove the dough cut outs so you are just left with the lattice.

Remove and unwrap the Wellington, egg wash the pastry, and pop the lattice over the top. Season with salt and paper and we are

225 degrees for 15 mins, then 200 for 15 mins or until a temperature probe reaches 40 degrees internally, rest for 10 mins . The probe should hit 50 degrees. 
