Support Ya Local Mc Muffins

Support Ya Local Mc Muffins

500g Pork Mince

1TBSP Onion Powder 

1/2 Tbsp Fennel Seads 

Salt and pepper to taste – start with 1TSP

4x Eggs 

4x English muffins 

4x Slices of cheese 

Mustard, Mayo and tom Sauce if you fancy.

Sausage, egg all wrapped up in an english muffin? Yes please! This little home made number is next level. The sweetness of the fennel comes through beautifully. This is 100 times better than the Macca’s version, it supports your local Butcher and you know what goes into the patty. WIN WIN! 

You can grind your own pork if you fancy, I like to use the shoulder on quite a large grind. You can even use beef if you rather but pork sausage patties are way juicer. 

Combine the Pork mince, onion powder, fennel seeds , salt and pepper in a bowl and combine well. 

Divide this roughly into 4 balls and shape into rounds just larger than the muffin as they will shrink a little.

Quickly toast your english muffins with a little butter in a pan and pop into a low temp oven to keep warm .

Place a pan onto a medium high heat and start cooking the Sausage patties. They will be a little thick so they need a good 2/3 Mins per side. 

Cook with the lid on the pan for the first 3 mins, Flip and then cook for another 2/3 mins with the lid off. Add your cheese slices and pop the lid back on. Removing from the heat. This will let the sausage rest and melt the cheese. 

Arrange 4x oiled ring moulds into a large pan, heat the pan with a little oil and salt. Crack in your eggs. Add in 15ml of water and pop a lid on and cook until you like them, Remove the ring mould with tongs. You may need to run a knife round the inside edge of the mould to release the egg.

 (If you don’t have a mould no dramas, just fry your eggs as normal.) 

Remove your muffins from the oven and assemble, with mayo, mustard and Tom sauce if thats your thing. 
